We are back at it this Gnovember for our 3th annual Gnarly Gnovember Youth Comp and 2nd annual Gnarly Gnovember Community Comp! They will take place on Gnovember 23 (Youth Comp) and 24 (Community Comp).
Please take note, although this is not a sanctioned SCBC comp, our age categories have changed to align with changes made last spring with SCBC, and other national and international bodies.
This year we have also added a new youth category. Youth E will be for 7 and 8 year old kids who are too young to compete in sanctioned comps, but want to try it out, have some fun, and not have to compete against the 11yr old crushers!
Our provisional schedule will be posted on this website by October 25 or earlier, stay tuned!
Registration is open now!
visit this link for the Youth Comp: https://forms.gle/m9fdKo2Mn4niwbT9A
and this link for the Community Comp: https://forms.gle/xxh7PBboYFMGzkrQ9
